News & Recent Events 

David Oddy & Son Luthiers Home of the ‘Oddy Mandocello’ Makers of Handmade Customised Acoustic Guitars & Mandolins
Show of Hands 25th anniversary concert at the Royal Albert Hall April 2017. We donated an Oddy Mandocello for the raffle in aid of Great Ormand Street Hospital and MIND.  An amazing £4355 was raised to split between the charities.  Thanks to all those who made the raffle such a success.  Thanks to Andrew Wegg for the use of his photos taken on the evening.
Show of Hands family concert Abbotsbury 2016. We donated a Oddy Mandolin for the raffle and raised £1000 for the Bramble childrens’ ward at the Royal Devon and ExeterHospital.  Thanks to all those who made the raffle such a success.
Remember because we make all our instruments from scratch we can customise any of our instruments to your requirements.
Show of Hands at the Meet & Remember Club September 2017. On the 20th September, the Meet and Remember Club in Exeter were entertained by Steve Knightly and Phil Beer of Show of Hands, they performed  a number of folk songs and their own compositions, including "Home to a Million Thoughts", composed for the re-opening of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum.  Members of the Oddy family attended this event in honour of David's contribution to the Club as local historian and craftsman. and a supporter of its activities. His bequest of  an instrument had been raffled at  a recent Show of Hands concert, raising £1850 for Club funds and securing  its continuation into the future.
Show of Hands family concert Abbotsbury 2017. David donated an instrument to be raffled at the concert at the Show of Hands family concert this year. An amazing £1850 was raised for Exeter Rotary to be used for the Meet and Remember Club in Exeter as David wished. A huge thanks Vicky and Amanda of Firebrand Music and to Steve Sheldon and the Longdogs for all their hard work. The raffle was won by Millie who received her instrument backstage.
Show of Hands family concert Abbotsbury 2019. Thanks to all those who bought tickets and donated money, an amazing £1400 was raised for Seed of Hope CIC.  Phil donated his David Oddy concert cuatro that Steve Knightley, Phil Beer and Miranda Sykes of Show of Hands have used and abused for the raffle prize. Nick Oddy donated the new one... on a stage near you soon. On the day we worked out that over the years more than £30,000 has been raised for good causes.  WOW thanks to everyone who has been involved in any way. Show of Hands family concert Abbotsbury 2018. Thanks to all those who bough tickets and donated money and amazing £965 was raised for the the MaxAppeal.  Congratulations to Will Plant who won the Tenor. Nick has made a lovely Tenor to be raffled at this year’s festival in aid of the MaxAppeal! Max Appeal! is a UK registered charity supporting families affected by DiGeorge syndrome, VCFS and 22q11.2 deletion for more information click here. Please help us raise as much as we can.
Show of Hands family concert Abbotsbury 7th July 2024 Thank you so much to everyone who supported the raffle at Abbotsbury yesterday, we raised £3,000 for Cancer Research UK! Thanks to Phil Beer for donating a fiddle as a prize too. This means that over the years the raffles have raised £50,660. Thanks once again to everyone who has helped sell the tickets and to all off you have bought tickets over the years.